
National Cross Country Round - Slade - 3rd Place!

What an excellent Race course, with plenty of good competition! The new categories are keeping everyone on their toes, it will only make us faster!

I had a pretty hectic stress week, but I still felt confident for a good result. The last 5 weeks of fairly intense training/ lack of races due to cancellations meant that I as eager for a result. I also seemed to be weighing 68Kg in the mornings, without starving myself. So i knew something seemed right!

 During the week's torrential rain, I knew it was time to use Some Kenda Nevagals for the race. The Mud was so thick even the Karma's didn't even cut it! In fact, in the club race the week prior to the race I ended up dangling upside down out of a tree for a split second after crashing.. not good but kind of hilarious.

The Race went excellently. I had a key relaxed start and dropped to the back of the pack to not expend much needed energy. This worked a treat, and I quickly moved up to 3rd position and for a while 2nd. before reverting back to 3rd for the remainder.

I rode the technical sections (many of them) well without crashing, but not fast enough! Aidan and Gar were incredibly quick on each downhill, which had me chasing every moment to make up for lost time.!  I will practice this for sure. However i was climbing well, but, it would have been lovely if the climb was 8 minutes long though!

Avg Hr 195BPM for 1:46 minutes Racing.. Hard eh!


András Gercsényi said...

Good stuff Richie, congatulations! :)

lawdie said...

Well done Richie, keep it up.